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University Relations

Troy University's Office of University Relations works to tell the Troy University story within the community, state, nation and around the world. Duties of the office include writing news and feature stories about Troy University; maintaining the official University blog, TROY Today; maintaining the University's official social media channels; producing photo and video content and working closely with journalists.

University Relations Resources

Contact Us

Matt Clower
Senior Director of Communications
(334) 808-6313

Andy Ellis
Director of Communications
(334) 268-9983

Clif Lusk
University Relations Coordinator
(334) 670-5888

Jonathan Sellers
Social Media Manager
(334) 670-5769

Savanah Weed
University Relations Coordinator

(334) 670-3199

Office of University Relations
253 Adams Administration Building
Troy, AL 36082
Phone: (334) 670-3196

Resources for Journalists

The Office of University Relations offers a variety of resources and support for journalists looking to cover TROY. We can provide assistance in the following areas:

  • Photography and video: We are happy to provide high-resolution photography and video of campus news and events. Submit departmental requests via the Helpdesk. Media requests should be directed to Current photography is available here.
  • Requests for interviews: Contact any member of the University Relations team in order to schedule an interview with University faculty and administrators.
  • Live Video and Skype interviews: University Relations offers broadcast quality point-to-point or point-to-multipoint live video delivery via an LTN Global equipped Interview Studio. The Studio also supports live Skype interviews with 1080p resolution. Interviews with TROY officials are offered at no charge to media outlets. The studio may be scheduled for non-TROY affiliated interviews for a fee. Contact
  • News, Features and Op-Eds: The TROY Today blog contains a variety of news and feature articles about Troy University, along with op-eds written by faculty and students. Blog content may be republished with permission.
  • Press Releases, Media Advisories and Statements: We regularly distribute news and information to media outlets in our coverage area. Our most recent news is available through the TROY Today blog.
  • Visits to Campus: Troy University's campuses are open to the public. However, we request journalists contact the Office of University Relations in advance to schedule a visit. We can provide assistance with parking, securing interviews and provide needed support to ensure a successful visit.
Faculty and Staff Support

The Office of University Relations provides support and expert advice to faculty and staff in the areas of external communications, media relations and use of social media. We can provide support in the following ways:

  • Photography Services: To request studio photography (including professional headshots) or event coverage, submit a photography ticket via the Helpdesk.
  • Responding to media inquiries: The UR Team can help develop talking points or a media strategy.
  • Media Training: The UR team is happy to conduct media training for faculty and staff who want to improve their ability to communicate and respond to the media.
  • News releases, media advisories and event promotion: Faculty and staff should contact University Relations staff to coordinate all releases to the media and the public.
Faculty/Staff Op-Eds

University Relations publishes opinion pieces written by faculty or staff members in the “Perspectives” section of the TROY Today blog. “Perspectives” articles represent the views and opinions of individual authors only, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinion of Troy University or its administration.


We welcome submissions for “Perspectives” articles. Submissions should be no longer than 800 words and should focus on subject matter relevant to Troy University, its students, alumni and campus communities. Additionally, faculty members are invited to provide balanced analysis and commentary on issues and events relevant to their areas of academic expertise.


Send submissions in the body of an email (not attachments) to We reserve the right to reject submissions for any reason.


Any op-eds published may be submitted to media outlets for consideration.

Recognizing Student Achievements

University Relations partners with Merit to publicize student achievements online and in local media: Departments who wish to recognize students who have won awards, members of clubs or honor societies, or anything else, should email for more information.

Campus Events

Troy University maintains various event and academic calendars which are published for viewing by students, staff, and the public. These include:

Calendar of Events
Academic Calendar

Additional TROY News

The Office of University Relations works closely with other university departments to produce and distribute news about Troy University. These departments include:

Athletic Media Relations
Public Radio
TROY TrojanVision

Social Media Policies

Official, institutional social media platforms are maintained by the Office of Marketing and
Communication and the Department of Athletics. The Office of Marketing and Communication maintains the University's official social media platforms on Facebook, Twitter,  and YouTube. These platforms are promoted at
Similarly, the Department of Athletics maintains official social media platforms on Facebook and Twitter. These platforms are promoted at and coordinated, when appropriate, with the Office of Marketing.

Sanctioned social media platforms that are not maintained by the Office of Marketing and
Communication or by Athletics but that are coordinated with these units are promoted on a central landing page at Examples of these sanctioned platforms are

So that social media platforms can be used to their greatest potential, yet also managed to
professional standards, academic or administrative units of the University that wish to establish a sanctioned social media platform (including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube accounts) must submit a request to the Office of Marketing and Communications via Requests should include details of how the platform will be used and who in the unit will maintain and monitor the platform. An unsanctioned social media platform that represents, or appears to represent, Troy University may be subject to reporting for trademark, intellectual property, or other infringement.

Sanctioned social media platforms must meet the following guidelines.
Account holders for sanctioned social media platforms that do not meet one or more of the following guidelines must deactivate the platform immediately upon request by the Office of Marketing and Communication.


  • Platforms must present an image that is unified, of a high quality and favorably
    representative of the University.
  • Platforms should have a primary account holder responsible for monitoring and updating the site. However, login information for the site (username/password) should be accessible by at least one other person in the unit so the platform can be maintained in the primary account holder's absence. All login information must be made available to the Office of Marketing and Communication upon request.
  • Platforms must be monitored and updated regularly by the units that create them,
    including responding as needed to questions or comments by users.
  • Involvement in social media must be carried out in such a manner that positively supports TROY's values, missions and goals, and complies with all University regulations, policies, procedures, and state and federal laws.
  • Engagement with the audience through the platform must add value to both the
    University and the audience.
  • Upon request of the Office of Marketing and Communication, sanctioned social media account holders must promptly remove any content that is deemed hostile, insulting, offensive, disrespectful or otherwise inappropriate.
    • Platform content should not be written in a manner that can be interpreted as
      combative, demeaning or otherwise negative. Do not post content that shows (or may be perceived to show) someone getting hurt, attacked or humiliated; that might be considered racist, bigoted or demeaning to a particular group of
      individuals; that depicts activity that is (or may be perceived to be) illegal, such as drug use; or that could otherwise show the account holder or the University in a negative light.
    • In most cases, content should not be posted unless it is clearly suitable for all
      ages. However, if controversial content is related to academic study, ensure that appropriate context and disclaimers are provided. Also package the content in a manner that does not make it easy to reuse without the appropriate context.
    • All comments that are negative about Troy University do not have to be deleted.
      Open discussion should be encouraged. Criticism of the University should be
      evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine what response, if any, is needed.
      Contact the Office of Marketing and Communication for further guidance.
  • All content posted to sanctioned social media platforms must adhere to all current TROY policies, including those regarding intellectual property, privacy and the use of
    information technology. See IT Technology Policy and Troy University Privacy Policy.
    • Privacy Guidelines:
      • Do not include personally identifiable information that can be used to
        locate any individual without that person's written permission. This
        includes an individual's screen name, personal photo, hobbies,
        identification numbers -- such as Social Security numbers or student ID's -- addresses and phone numbers (other than an authorized business address or business phone number).
      • Do not upload, post, transmit, share, store or otherwise make publicly
        available on a social media site any private information of any affiliated or unaffiliated third party, including addresses, phone numbers, e-mail
        addresses, Social Security numbers and credit card numbers.
      • University units may not use social media platforms to collect personal
        information of users.
      • Do not post content that could create a security risk for the account holder or the University.
        • Examples include but are not limited to images of restricted access research areas and information technology facilities.
        • Employees who share confidential information without appropriate authorization do so at the risk of disciplinary action or termination.

Use of TROY Graphics/Logos
Approved social media platforms may utilize TROY logos, graphics and colors in their design, however the use of University branding materials is strictly controlled. TROY logos may not be altered. Consult this Graphics and Standards Manual or the Office of Marketing and Communication for more information.

Photo Releases
If you photograph a subject with the intent to publish that photo on a social media site, you must have your subject sign a photo release form before you post the photo. Account holders must make photo releases available promptly upon request. Learn more about image release requirements.

Personal Use of Social Media Platforms
The above guidelines do not apply to online activities by employees that are purely personal and in which the individuals do not identify themselves as a faculty or staff member of the University.

Employees may identify themselves as a University employee in personal online profiles, but are encouraged to make clear that their comments and postings do not represent the views of the University as a whole, even if such accounts are private or have otherwise restricted access.

Faculty or staff members who utilize personal social media accounts for official business (i.e. communication with students, alumni or other constituents) should clearly identify themselves as a representative of the University in such cases and know that all relevant University policies regarding social media, privacy and communication will apply.


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