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Appointments of Personnel

It is strongly suggested that writers contact Human Resources prior to the budgeting of positions in a proposal. When contracting services with an individual external to the university, an Authorization to Provide Services (APS) form must be completed and submitted to Human Resources to determine the appropriate method of payment. The individual will be categorized either as an Independent Contractor/Consultant or as an employee of the university.

If categorized as an Independent Contractor / Consultant, review the Policies and Procedures for Contract Services. An Independent Contractor / Consultant Agreement must be in place prior to the rendering of services. Once services have been rendered, a Request for Payment form accompanied by the signed and approved Independent Contractor/Consultant agreement must be completed and forwarded for payment. Each Independent Contractor/Consultant must complete a W-9 form before payment can be processed. Additionally, a Vendor Disclosure Form must be completed for any Contractor / Consultant agreement that exceeds $5,000.00.

An employee of Troy University cannot be paid on an independent contractor/consultant agreement. When providing additional compensation to a current university employee, a supplemental pay form must be completed. Only in limited circumstances and with approval of the funding agency and the appropriate University administrators can current University professional staff or faculty members be hired or compensated to work on a grant or contract. Be sure you have read and understand the Guidelines regarding additional compensation for current full time employees. Writers who are planning on employing current University employees for sponsored program projects should contact Human Resources prior to the budgeting and hiring of personnel.

If it is determined that the individual should be categorized an employee, a user account must be created in PeopleAdmin, the university's online position management software; therefore writers must contact Human Resources prior to the budgeting and hiring of personnel.

Salaries and Wages

All personnel who are paid salaries or wages from a sponsored project account must be paid in accordance with University guidelines. Salary and wage categories and job classifications on sponsored project accounts are the same as those established for all other university employees. Salary rates must adhere to the regulations applied to all other University employees, and all sponsored project faculty or staff members must be paid in accordance with normal University salary rates.

Graduate Students

Graduate assistants may be hired for one semester, an academic year, or a fiscal year (12 months). For budgeting purposes, the salary of the graduate assistant, the registration fees, and tuition must be included in the project.

The Dean of Graduate School is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the graduate assistants. The policy on employment of graduate assistants can be found at the Graduate School website.

Contact the Graduate Office for current salary information and Human Resources for the process for hiring personnel.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students may be hired for one semester, an academic year, a summer term, or a fiscal year (12 months). These funds may be used to pay students to assist the Principal Investigator (PI) in completing the requirements of the grant. This assistance could be clerical, data entry, etc. Salary and benefits must be included in the project. Contact Human Resources for current rates and the process for hiring personnel.

Fringe Benefits

It is the policy of Troy University to employ, in good faith, personnel to fulfill the requirements of externally funded grants and contracts. These employees are expected to adhere to policies and procedures that apply to all University personnel as indicated in Staff and Faculty Handbooks and other official Troy documents. The benefits to be provided to grant and contract personnel will vary in accordance with the project. The University may, at its discretion, offer additional benefits but is under no obligation to do so. The benefits to be provided by the external project and/or the University will be outlined to employees at the beginning of the term of employment. The University neither states nor implies that employment will extend beyond the term of the project and/or the funding that applies to the individual position. Fringe benefits cannot be guaranteed and are subject to change at any time except as provided by State or Federal law which includes Teacher’s Retirement contributions and Affordable Care Act guidelines.

Fringe Benefits are estimated in sponsored project proposals according to University policy. When charges for fringe benefits are made to an agency, they are made at actual cost; therefore, the amount of money budgeted for fringe benefits may vary from the amount charged.  Current fringe benefit rates are available through Human Resources.

In cases where the estimated amounts are inadequate, funds must be reallocated to allow for actual fringe benefit charges. If estimated amounts exceed actual charges, excess funds may be re-budgeted to other areas of the project.


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