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Proposal Administrative Review and Approval


Proposal Development



When anyone at Troy University - administrators, faculty, staff, or students - prepares grant and contract proposals for external funding, they are acting on behalf of the University. For that reason, all such proposals must pass through a review and submission process established by TROY.

Dr. Jack Hawkins, Jr., Ph.D., Chancellor serves as the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) for Troy University. Dr. Hawkins is the only authorized official to enter Troy University into partnerships with external funding agencies. All grant/contract proposals and subsequent revisions, amendments, adjustments, modifications or changes to any previously approved grant or contract must be approved by the Chancellor through the review process as described below.


The routing of the transmittal package prior to the submission of materials to the partner provides for both the university and the grant writer/grant writing team a process to document “awareness” and “support” for the commitments required to secure the partnership.

It is the expectation that the supervisory line for each grant writer has reviewed the completeness of the partnership and package to ensure that all commitments have been disclosed.

Signature on the package affirms to the SVC and Chancellor that the university is positioned to fulfill the promise as presented in the partner proposal.


Highly Recommended

Contact OSP before you begin work on a grant or contract proposal. OSP serves as the initial point of contact for external proposal writing at TROY; therefore, OSP should be notified prior to development of a proposal for external funding. Sponsored Programs works closely with writers and administrators to coordinate sponsor requests to avoid conflicts where single or limited proposal submission is required.

Writing the Proposal

Once approved for proposal development, OSP staff can assist in budget development; assurance certifications; proposal development; administrative review and approval; and the copying and mailing of proposals (OSP must receive the proposal seven days prior to deadline for this service). General proposal information required for most proposals can be found here.

eApplication Submissions — Electronic Research Administration

Electronic Research Administration (ERA) is a very broad term that is used to describe any electronic tool that is used in research administration. Email and online portals for proposal submittal are just a few of the tools that fall under the ERA umbrella. At TROY, proposal writers must register through OSP for sponsors requiring online submissions. Submission of proposals (online or hard copy) must receive review and approval prior to the final submission of materials.

Policy for Administrative Review and Approval of Sponsor Proposals

Faculty and staff writers must secure review and approval of materials prior to the submission of proposals to sponsors for funding consideration.  A review package will consist of the following:

Complete the Transmittal Form and secure signatures of the Principal Investigator, Chair and Dean, and submit the form with a complete copy of the sponsor guidelines to OSP.

OSP will review the information provided on the Transmittal Form and will route the package for review and approval. OSP will determine what approvals are needed based on the nature of the proposal and established criteria for the selection of administration. If changes in the proposal are requested by the administration, OSP will communicate these to the writer and will return the proposal package for editing and resubmission upon return of the edited proposal.

Please see below a few considerations regarding the Transmittal package.

  • All university personnel participating in the project must be listed by name in the routing package. A signature from each employee’s supervisory authority must be secured for each employee included in the proposal.
  • Requests for supplemental pay must be justified in accordance with federal guidelines (where appropriate).
  • All requests for supplemental pay for current employees must be listed on an attachment to the transmittal form and must include the name of the individual receiving compensation, the amount of compensation requested, and the time period in which the compensation is requested.
  • Any item marked yes must include an explanation either on the transmittal form or on an attachment to the form.
  • In kind and/or matching funding must be identified by general ledger account number in the explanation section for the matching section of the transmittal.
  • Indirect cost must comply with university policy or an exception must be approved by the appropriate Senior Vice Chancellor.
  • A transmittal package is required for letters of intent, full proposals and/or amendments and/or revisions.



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