General Science Courses (SCI)
SCI 5503 - Conservation (3)
The conservation of natural and human resources with emphasis on population expansion as the major element in a changing ecology.
SCI 5560 - Science and Society (3)
A study of the social, political and economic implications of scientific discovery, innovation, and implementation. Prerequisites: Twelve hours of coursework in science or permission of instructor.
SCI 5595 - Selected Topics in Science (3)
Specialized topics not generally included in course offerings. Course may be taken twice for a maximum of six hours toward degree requirements. Prerequisite: Eight hours of coursework in science or permission of instructor. See semester hour limits listed under Course Restrictions in General Regulations section.
SCI 6625, 6626, 6627 - Specialized Study in Area of Science (1-4)
A study of a problem or problems using research techniques. Selection of a problem must be approved by the professor under whom the study is made and the Dean of Arts and Sciences. The study should contribute to the student’s program. Preparation of a scholarly paper is required and may involve an oral defense. Total credit for any combination of enrollments in these courses may not exceed four semester hours. A specialized study may be substituted for a required course only once in a student’s program. See semester hour limits listed under Course Restrictions in General Regulations section.