Classics Courses (CLA)
CLA 2210 - Greek and Roman Culture (3)
A survey of the cultural achievements of the ancient Greeks and Romans.
CLA 2260 - Classical Mythology (3)
Myths of the Greeks and Romans and their influence.
CLA 2290 - Classical Literature in English Translation (3)
Greek and Roman masterpieces as expressions of humanity. Prerequisites: ENG 1101, 1102.
CLA 3311 - Civilization of Greece (3)
Historical and cultural achievements of the Greeks and their legacy to the modern world. Note: May be taken for credit as an elective in the Department of History.
CLA 3312 - Civilization of Rome (3)
Historical and cultural achievements of the Romans and their legacy to the modern world. Note: May be taken for credit as an elective in the Department of History.
CLA 3330 - Classical Epic (3)
Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, Virgil’s Aeneid, and the epic tradition.
CLA 3350 - Classical Drama (3)
The ancient theatre and its influence with selected plays by Greek and Roman playwrights.
CLA 4400 - Selected Topics in Classics (3)
Selected topics in classical studies generally not covered in other courses. May be repeated once for credit.
CLA 4491-92 - Guided Independent Research (1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)
Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.
CLA 4493-94 - Guided Independent Study (1 to 3 credit hours per course per semester)
Additional information is indexed under Independent Study and Research.