Religion Courses (REL)
REL 2210 - Introduction to Biblical Studies (3)
An Introduction to the books of the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and New Testament in their historical settings, emphasizing textual analyses, literary forms/ their function and use in the past and present in both the Jewish and Christian traditions.
REL 2230 - General Topics in Religion (3)
Historical examination of a designed topic of special and/or current interest and importance generally not covered in regularly offered courses by the department. This course may be repeated once for credit.
REL 2280 - World Religions (3)
Historical development and basic beliefs of the world’s major religions.
REL 2285 - Travel Study in Religion (1-3)
Supervised investigation of relevant topics in religion through travel-study abroad or within the interior of United States. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Course may be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
REL 3380 - Travel Study in Religion (1-3)
Supervised investigation of relevant topics in religion through travel-study abroad or within the interior of the United States. Prerequisite: Permission of Instructor Course may be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.
REL 4445 - Selected Topics in Religion (3)
Advanced study of a designed topic of special interest generally not covered in regularly offered courses by the department. This course may be repeated once for credit. Prerequisites: REL 2210, REL 2280, or permission of instructor
REL 4499 - Internship in Religion (1-3)
Supervised work in an agency that can provide experience in the field of study. Prerequisites: senior standing, at least a 2.5 GPA, 12 hours in upper-division courses in the field, and permission of supervising instructor, department chair, and/or dean. Course may be repeated for credit with permission of instructor.