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Dr. Rodney Davis


Rodney Davis

From his earliest days, Dr. Davis has been fascinated other cultures and international travel. This wanderlust was fueled by early encounters with people from various parts of the globe. It certainly contributed to his decision to become a teacher and eventually a school leader.

For the past 12 years, Dr. Davis has traveled to Asia and specifically, to the Philippines as a Professor and Fulbright Senior Scholar. While there, he works with elementary and secondary school leaders to provide them with the latest research and best practices related to school improvement and global learning. When he is in the Philippines, he takes advantage of opportunities to work with higher education faculty one on one as well as conducting professional development conferences focusing on educational research.

Dr. Davis has an earned doctorate in Educational Leadership and is currently serving as an Associate Professor in TROY’s College of Education and a Visiting Professor at Tarlac State University, Tarlac City, Philippines.


Publications & Presentations

Davis, R. (2019). 21st century leadership competencies. Keynote Address at the Enlightened Group for Quality and Excellence in Education Conference. Olongapo, Philippines, October 19, 2019.

Davis, R. (2019). A new dawn in research. Invited presentation at the Asian Intellect, Inc. International Seminar on Research. Baguio City, Philippines, July 20, 2019.

Davis, R. (2018). The scholar’s heart.  Invited presentation at Asian Intellect, Inc. International Seminar on Research. Cebu City, Philippines, May 25, 2018.

Davis, R. (2017). Publish or perish. Invited presentation at Asian Intellect, Inc. International Seminar on Research. Cebu City, Philippines, June 24, 2017.

**Davis, R. (2013). Higher education: Teetering on the brink of irrelevancy. Review of Higher Education and Self-Learning, 5(17), 101-131. 

**Davis, R. (2012). Global imperative: Preparing this generation for an interconnected world. Journal of Information Systems Technology and Planning, 5(11), 43-59.

** Peer-reviewed.


Research Interests

Current research interests are:

  • National and global school reform issues
  • Technology and distance learning in higher education
  • Effective teaching in an online world
  • Leadership preparation
  • Faculty productivity in higher education
  • School leadership



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