Area V
Applied Health Sciences
This major is available through Troy and Dothan Campus ONLY.
AREA I-V Recommendations
All students are required to complete a two-course sequence in Written Composition.
- ENG 101 - Written Composition I (3SH)
- ENG 102 - Written Composition II (3SH)
A grade of "C" or higher is required in Composition I and II at Troy University. "D"
grades will not transfer.
Choose one literature courses from the approved list below. (6SH)
- ENG 251 - American Literature I (3SH)
- ENG 252 - American Literature II (3SH)
- ENG 261 - English Literature I (3SH)
- ENG 262 - English Literature II (3SH)
- ENG 271 - World Literature I (3SH)
- ENG 272 - World Literature II (3SH)
Students must complete a 3 SH course in the ARTS. Choose from courses below with an (A) designation.
- ART 100 - Art Appreciation (A) (3SH)
- ART 203 - Art History I (A) (3SH)
- ART 204 - Art History II (A) (3SH)
- DNC 101 - Dance Appreciation (A) (3SH)
- HUM 130 - Mankind and His Art (A) (3SH)
- IDH 110 - Renaissance to Romantic Rebellion (A) (3SH)
- MUS 101 - Music Appreciation (A) (3SH)
- THR 120 - Theatre Appreciation (A) (3SH)
- THR 126 - Introduction to Theatre (A) (3SH)
Take one course from the following: (3SH)
- PHL 106 - Introduction to Philosophy (3SH)
- PHL 206 - Ethics and Society (3SH)
- REL 100 - World Religions (3SH)
When selecting courses from Areas II and IV, please note that at least one 6sh sequence
in either Literature (Area II) or History (Area IV) must be completed.
Select 3 SH of math from the following list of courses:
- MTH 110 - Finite Mathematics (3SH)
- MTH 112 - Precalculus Algebra (3SH)
A grade of "C" or higher is required in the Math course chosen. "D" grades will not
Select 4 SH from the following list of courses:
[NOTE: Courses must have corresponding laboratories.]
- BIO 101 - Introduction to Biology I (4SH)
- BIO 103 - Principles of Biology I (4SH)
- BIO 220 - Microbiology (4SH)
Select 4 SH from the following list of courses:
[NOTE: Courses must have corresponding laboratories.]
- CHM 104 - Introduction to General Chemistry (4SH)
- CHM 111 - College Chemistry I (4SH)
Choose a sequence in history from the approved list below. (6SH)
- HIS 101/102 - History of Western Civilization I / II (3SH / 3SH)
- HIS 121 /122 - World History I / II (3SH / 3SH)
- HIS 201 /202 - United States History I / II (3SH / 3SH)
Take the following:
- PSY 210 - Human Growth & Development (3SH)
Select one course from the following: (3SH)
- PSY 200 - General Psychology (3SH)
- ANT 200 - Introduction to Anthropology (3SH)
When selecting courses from Areas II and IV, please note that at least one 6sh sequence
in either Literature (Area II) or History (Area IV) must be completed.
The remaining 21sh in Area V can be obtained at the community college by taking 21sh from the following:
- CIS 146 (Microcomputer Applications) (3 SH)
- ORI 101 (Orientation to College) (1 SH)
Take 14SH from the following:
- BIO 201 (Anatomy and Physiology I/Lab)(4 SH)
- BIO 202 (Anatomy and Physiology II/Lab (4SH)
- HEC 140 (Nutrition) (3SH)
- SOC 200 (Intro to Sociology) (3SH)
- HED 231 (First Aid) (3SH)
- HED 221(or HED 224) (Personal Health (or Personal and Community Health)) ( 3SH)
Take 3SH of Statistics from the following:
- MTH 265 (Elementary Statistics) (3SH)
- BUS 271 (Business Statistics I) (3SH)
If you have questions please contact:
Dr. Wade Forehand
17 Collegeview, Troy University, Troy, AL
Phone: 334-670-3745