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Move-In Guide

 Samatha Osei, a freshman from Panama City, FL gets some help from her parents as the prepares to move into her new dorm room.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to live on campus?

All students who have not reached the age of 19 by the last date of regular registration for the fall semester must reside on campus, if not commuting from home residing with parents. The commute must be within a one-hour commute. If you're still not sure that you need to live on campus, please contact the Housing and Residence Life office at

Can I reside off campus with anyone other than my parents if I'm not 19?

Students may reside off campus with grandparents, brothers or sisters that may live locally. A letter requesting this must be submitted to the housing office from the parents stating they are requesting permission for their son/daughter to reside off campus with their grandparents or older son or daughter. The letter should state the name of the person they would be residing with, the relationship to the student and the address. This letter is submitted to the Director of Housing, Mr. Herbert Reeves for approval. There are special circumstances in which the student may have a legal guardian. This should be documented and accompany the request. The student when granted permission will fill out an off campus card with the address they will be living at and submit it to Housing for clearance of any holds. This living arrangement would be for that academic year (fall & spring semesters).

Do I have to have a meal plan?

All students that reside on campus in a residence hall that does not have a kitchen in the room are required to purchase a meal plan. The residence halls that do not require a standard meal plan are Pace Hall, Hillcrest House, Paden House, Honor's Cottage & Greek Houses. Standard meal plans are the 75 Block, 14 Weekly, 9 Weekly and Carte Blanche plans. Commuter/dining dollar meal plans may be required for buildings in which a standard meal plan is not required.

What are the differences in the meal plans?
Do students with disabilities receive special consideration for housing placement?

The Housing Office will make every effort to accommodate students that may have special needs for housing, provided the Housing Office is notified in advance of their arrival.

What do I do if I don't get the dorm I want?

Opportunities are given each semester to swap. “MOVE DAY” begins the first day of class and lasts for about one week. Students may move from one room to another or to another building providing there is space for them. Students desiring to move should see the Building Director of the hall they are interested in to inquire what spaces are available. The director will be glad to assist them with this if space is available.

If I don't request a specific roommate, how will I be assigned a roommate?

The Housing Office will try to honor requests for roommates when space permits. When empty rooms are not available, every effort is made to put students in the same dorm or on the same floor to make moves or “swaps” easier on “MOVE DAY”. A student who does not request anyone for a roommate will be assigned at random with someone as close to their age as possible. If roommates are not compatible they may move on “Move Day”. All parties involved in a move must be in agreement to the move. No one is forced out of a room.

What if I don't get along with my roommate?

The Resident Assistant on your floor is there to aid in any conflict resolutions students may have. Contact your R.A. or Building Director, they will be glad to assist you with any problems you may have with roommates. If problems are serious the Coordinator of Residence Life or Housing Director should be contacted by the R.A. to evaluate the situation.

What are the dimensions of the rooms?

Please see specific dorm page for dimension information. 

How will I receive mail?

Students must purchase a University P.O. Box in order to have mail/packages delivered to them. Mail and packages are not delivered directly to the residence halls. Mail and package deliveries should be sent to the University Post Office located in the Trojan Center room 115. Please do not address packages to the student's residence hall.

For more information on how students receive mail and packages at the University, please contact the University Post Office via email at or call 334-670-3225.


When can I have visitors?

Visitation hours for all dorms are 12 p.m. - 12 a.m. Please contact your Resident Advisor for information on overnight guests.



Joycelynn Green (left) a Freshman from Birmingham, AL prepares to move her belongings into her new dorm room.Freshman Jarrod Alexander from Newnan, GA poses with mom, Jennifer and his brother Jacob as he settles in to his new room.Members of the Troy Trojans Football Team pitch in to help new students moving into the dorms on Saturday.Move-in day at Troy University









Packing Tips

The following are suggestions of items you might want to get for your room:

  • Cell Phone
  • Toilet Tissue/Paper Towels
  • Cleaning Supplies such as stove/oven cleaner; toilet bowl cleaner, shower cleaner; broom, mop
  • Air freshener
  • Deodorant/ Soap
  • Desk/Closet Organizer
  • Shampoo/Conditioner
  • Bath Towels/ Bath Cloths
  • Floor Mat For Shower
  • Area Rug for Room
  • Shower Curtain (suitestyle rooms)
  • Dishes & Utensils
  • Flip Flops (for bathroom)
  • Pillows, Blanket/Comforter
  • Bed Linen (sheets)
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Laundry basket
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Raincoat/Umbrella
  • Clothes hanger
  • Alarm Clock/Radio
  • Thumb tacks (Push Pins)
  • 3M Command Strips Not Allowed
  • TV (Cable Not Provided, Smart TVs Only)
  • Bottle/Can Opener
  • Computer/Laptop
  • Ruler
  • Calculator
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Pencil Sharpener
  • Medicine (if applicable)
  • Iron/small ironing board
  • Spring tension rod for curtain
  • Microwaves 600-800 watts
  • Mini-Fridge 1.7cubic ft-2.4 cubic ft
  • Toaster oven 600-700 watts

The following are things that are not allowed in the residence halls:

  • No pets other than small goldfish
  • No smoking
  • No nails or screws may be put in the walls
  • No stickers on furniture, walls, ceilings, or other Housing property
  • No duct tape, wallpaper, carpet tape, contact paper etc.
  • No removal of university furniture
  • No painting
  • No 3M Command Strips
  • No adhesives that may cause wall/furniture damage
  • No personal locks (on main room doors)
  • No extension cords
  • No candles, no incense
  • No hotplates, no cooking equipment with an open heating element
  • No halogen lamps
  • No weapons
  • No illegal drugs
  • No air fryers
  • No Instant Pots
  • No toasters
  • No wireless routers or devices that might interfere with the
  • University's network
  • No (personal) washers and dryers

Other items as needed may be added to this list by the Housing Department at any time. If you are unsure about an item please contact the Troy University Housing Office at or call 334-670-3346 M-F 8am-5pm CST.


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