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Dothan Campus Events


TROY University - Dothan Campus endeavors to support its community and constituents by assisting with external events that are deemed to be a segment of the following mission related activities:

To provide facilities and assistance for events sponsored by regional businesses, industries, government, educational and community groups, and organizations. To provide facilities for use in promoting enrichment or education for regional Pre-K – 12 students or other college groups. To provide facilities and assistance with cultural events. To provide a safe, orderly, fair, and reasonable use of University resources to support these activities. To coordinate all activities and uses of facilities on the Dothan campus. 

New Student Orientation

When:  July 23rd at 10:00 am
              August 1st at 2:00 pm          

Location: Harrison Room

For more information and RSVP email


Request for Use/Rental Online

Areas Available for Rent

Dothan Quad Courtyard
Dothan Quad
 Dothan Adams Building
Dothan Adams Building

Rotunda 2
Thomas Harrison Room
Harrison Room

Harrison Room 2

Harrison Room 3
Michelin Kitchen in Everett Hall
Classrooms and Computer Labs
Michelin Conference Room
Michelin Conference Room

Michelin Conference Room 2

Michelin Conference Room 3
Sony Hall
Sony Hall

Sony Hall 2

More Information

Who Can Use?

University organizations and sponsored activities.

Civic or non profit or not for profit organizations whose goals and/or purposes do not advocate, support, or sponsor violence, civil disobedience, or discriminate in its activities. Businesses that wish to hold non-public meetings. Businesses that wish to hold meetings that are for training of employees or vendors.

Who Cannot Use?

Any for profit organization conducting mass sales oriented sessions or sales to attendees. Any civic or non-profit or not-for-profit organization whose goals and/or purposes advocate, support, or sponsor violence, civil disobedience, or discriminatory activities. Troy University, Dothan Campus will not provide facilities for personal parties, ceremonies, or for profit enterprises.

Additional Forms

  • Procedures for an event
  • Facilities and Services Agreement Policy
  • Cost Agreement
  • Policies and Procedures Dothan Campus
  • Staff and Faculty Members Policies and Procedures
  • Vendor Release of Liability


Please call 334-983-6556 ext. 21334  or email for further questions.


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