Geography Awareness Week and GIS Day

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Geography Awareness Week and GIS Day

GIS Day is an international celebration of Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) technology each year on the third Wednesday of November.  The third week in November is also designated as Geography Awareness Week. Here at Troy University, we take this time to help others learn about geography and the real-world applications of GIS that are making a difference in our society.  

In honor of GIS Day 2024, November 20, we are hosting two events. Join us on the John Lewis Quad from 9 to 12 as we welcome the Pike County Communications District. Representatives will demonstrate how 911 services and GIS are being combined to create a more advanced 911 system statewide and nationally. Students and faculty from the Geospatial Informatics Department will also be on hand to share information about the courses and plans of study that we offer.

At 2 p.m., please join us for an online GIS webinar on the topic of Geospatial Evangelism, or the importance of sharing geospatial knowledge. This year's speaker is Dr. Nikolas Smilovsky. He is a professor at Arizona State University, GIS Solutions Director at Bad Elf, and cohost of the popular Geoholics podcast. 

"During this thought-provoking presentation, "Geospatial Evangelism," we explore the transformative power of advocacy and evangelism within the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) industry. As geospatial professionals, our collective future hinges on our ability to work together, promote, and innovate within our field. This presentation will delve into the pivotal role that each of us plays in advancing geospatial technologies and methodologies, emphasizing the necessity for a unified, proactive approach to evangelizing GIS. By working together we can influence policy, drive technological advancements, and inspire new generations of geospatial enthusiasts. By highlighting successful case studies and powerful narratives of advocacy, the presentation illustrates the tangible impacts of a robust geospatial movement. This session will challenge you to think critically about your role in this dynamic industry and how you can contribute to its growth and sustainability. The future of our world depends on the seamless integration of geospatial data into decision-making processes across all sectors. To achieve this, we must champion the importance of GIS. Our journey is not solitary; it is a collective endeavor that requires passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment."

This webinar is free and open to everyone. Click here to join the meeting. It should be of interest to students (both on-campus and online) and non-students alike. Please contact Dr. Samantha Earnest via email at if you will not be able to attend in real time, but would like a link to the recording of the webinar. For on campus students who would like to meet up in person to attend the webinar together, we will have Wallace Room 344B set up for that purpose. 





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