TROY encourages faculty research and provides needed support and resources
Office of Sponsored Programs
This office should be the first stop for faculty seeking external research funding.
This office provides assistance in locating possible research sponsors, advice concerning
grant-writing, and help with the submission and grant administration process.
TROY Library
As well as providing extensive resources including full-text journal databases and electronic books, the TROY Library offers individual help to faculty in locating and accessing needed books, articles and other publications.
Faculty Development Committee
This committee provides small research and summer-research grants for full-time faculty members. The committee also provides paper presentation grants and funds to cover journal page charges.
TROY Learning Center
The final presentation of any research project should be as effective and professional as possible. The TROY Learning Center staff can assist research writers in achieving the goal of a scholarly, well-researched piece of writing. The staff will work one-to-one with writers in any phase of the research/writing process to help ensure a quality end product. In addition, many valuable resources are available on the TROY Learning Center’s website, from grammar/mechanics advice to documentation formats.